Monday, October 1, 2012

Anne Hathaway got married!

This is probably late news, but I'll blog about it anyway, lol!
Anne Hathaway is one of my favorite celebs of all time and she got married this weekend (Saturday), and I gotta say, her dress is so beautiful!

What do you think? Do you like her dress?

**I also want to say thank you to the lovely Bree from Viva La Breee, I won her feather earring giveaway! Thank you, Bree for hosting the giveaway and Alice for sponsoring it! :]

BTW, can you believe it's October???


  1. OOOO I did not even know she was dating someone after she dated that guy that went to jail. I her dress but not feeling the head piece and vail (I think one or the other would look nicer!!)
    great post and congrats on the giveaway win :)

    1. Thank you! And yeah I'm a bit iffy on the head piece too, hmm...

  2. She looks gorgeous, like a princess! Just not sure about the headpiece.

  3. oh my gosh, yes. she looked gorgeous. although i've always thought Anne is beautiful.

    Want to win $50 worth of clothing? Come join my MIXMOSS giveaway!!! :)


  4. I thought the dress and the headpiece really suits her style! Ilove Anne Hathaway!

  5. i love anne hathaway! i loved her dress and i think she looked gorgeous on her wedding day!!! :D

    <3, Mimi
    LensVillage Giveaway
